What is death ?

Toussaint, serge
Of all the mysteries that humankind has been confronted with since its appearance on Earth, death is probably the one that gives rise to the most questions as well as the most hypotheses. This is because it forms part of the unknown and, on the face of it, the unknowable. It is also because it corresponds to an end date that no-one can escape and that therefore concerns every one of us. What is death ? What constitutes the beyond ? Can one contact the deceased ? How can one help the dying ? Burial or cremation ? Resurrection or reincarnation ? How can one grieve ? These are some of the questions that Serge Toussaint, the Grand Master of the French-speaking jurisdiction of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, provides answers to in this opusculum.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9782371910249
Collection Les cahiers de l'ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture de normandie
Date de parution 29/07/2015
Format 12.50 cm x 12.50 cm x 2.50 cm
Nombre de pages 82
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16, rue de Metz
31000 Toulouse
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