Warrior of rome ii: king of kings

Sidebottom, harry
Second novel in this storming Roman epic: Dr Harry Sidebottom is a leading authority on ancient warfare and he applies his knowledge with great flair for explosive action and knuckle-whitening drama. It is AD256 and the spectre of treachery hangs over the Empire. The battle-bloodied general Ballista returns to the imperial court from the fallen city of Arete, and is soon caught in a sinister web of intrigue and religious fanaticism. 'Sidebottom's prose blazes with searing scholarship' "Times"
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9780718153311
Collection Mj fic hb
Date de parution 04/04/2013
Format 24.00 cm x 16.20 cm x 4.00 cm

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