
Nicholls, david
@2@@18@@20@David Nicholls brings to bear all the wit and intelligence that graced @21@@19@@20@ONE DAY@21@@18@@20@ in this brilliant, bittersweet novel about love and family, husbands and wives, parents and children. Longlisted for the Man Booker Prize for Fiction 2014.@21@@19@@16@@18@@19@@16@@18@@19@Douglas Petersen understands his wife's need to 'rediscover herself' now that their son is leaving home. @3@@2@He just thought they'd be doing their rediscovering together.@3@@2@So when Connie announces that she will be leaving, too, he resolves to make their last family holiday into the trip of a lifetime: one that will draw the three of them closer, and win the respect of his son. One that will make Connie fall in love with him all over again.@3@@2@The hotels are booked, the tickets bought, the itinerary planned and printed.@3@@2@What could possibly go wrong?@3@
Arrêt de commercialisation
EAN 9781473610651
Éditeur NC
Collection 151 poche
Date de parution 22/04/2015
Nombre de pages 395

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