Trash origami 25 paper folding projects reusing everyday materials /anglais

Don't dump your wastepaper into the garbage--it's time to fold! Famed origami artists and award-winning authors Michael G. LaFosse and Richard L. Alexander show you the way with "Trash Origami." Chock full of 25 fun and innovative origami projects from their renowned Origamido Studio as well as many of the world's most talented paper folding designers--including Nick Robinson, Herman Van Goubergen and Rhona Geurkewitz, among others. The origami models presented in "Trash Origami" include designs made from old calendar pages, candy wrappers, envelopes, newspaper, postcards, paper grocery bags and more. The accompanying DVD will make the folding process clearer and aid folders of all levels. Also provided is a guide to everyday materials that have the most folding potential-- leaving readers inspired to design and display their very own trash origami!
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9780804841351
Éditeur TUTTLE
Collection Dial ch hbks
Date de parution 01/10/2010
Format 28.50 cm x 22.50 cm x 8.50 cm
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