The fire newt time

Baldwin, james
The landmark work on race in America from James Baldwin, whose life and words are immortalized in the Oscar-nominated film I Am Not Your Negro 'We, the black and the white, deeply need each other here if we are really to become a nation' James Baldwin's impassioned plea to 'end the racial nightmare' in America was a bestseller when it appeared in 1963, galvanising a nation and giving voice to the emerging civil rights movement. Told in the form of two intensely personal 'letters', The Fire Next Time is at once a powerful evocation of Baldwin's early life in Harlem and an excoriating condemnation of the terrible legacy of racial injustice. 'Sermon, ultimatum, confession, deposition, testament, and chronicle ... all presented in searing, brilliant prose' The New York Times Book Review 'Baldwin writes with great passion ... it reeks of truth, as the ghettoes of New York and London, Chicago and Manchester reek of our hypocrisy' Sunday Times 'The great poet-prophet of the civil rights movement ... his seminal work' Guardian
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9780140182750
Collection Mc fiction (eng
Date de parution 25/01/1990
Format 19.80 cm x 12.90 cm x 9.80 cm
Où nous trouver ?
16, rue de Metz
31000 Toulouse
Horaires d'ouverture

Lundi au Samedi : 10h à 19h

Fermé le Dimanche

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05 62 84 34 10

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