Slim aarons: women

Ouvrage collectif
Slim Aarons: Women explores the central subject of Slim Aarons''s career-the extraordinary women from the upper echelons of high society, the arts, fashion and Hollywood. The book presents the women who most influenced Slim''s life and work-and the other remarkable personalities he photographed along the way, including Audrey Hepburn, Jackie Kennedy, Diana Vreeland and Marilyn Monroe, all featured in unforgettable photographs. The collection contains more than 200 images, the majority of which have not appeared in previous books, along with detailed captions written by one of Slim''s closest colleagues. Showcasing beautiful women at their most glamorous in some of the most dazzling locations across the globe, Slim Aarons: Women is a fresh look at the acclaimed photographer through the muses who inspired his most incredible photographs.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9781419722424
Éditeur NC
Date de parution 04/10/2016
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16, rue de Metz
31000 Toulouse
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