Read it yourself: the emperor's new clothes

Read it yourself is a learning to read series of classic, traditional stories with four levels of difficulty to suit the stage your child is at with reading. Written in a simple way for young readers, they will build their confidence in learning to read as they progress through each level. Familiar fairytales and exciting stories will amuse children and encourage them to progress further with this series and become confident readers. Each book in the Read it yourself with Ladybird series is carefully structured to include many everyday words that are vital for first reading/beginner readers. They also contain clear, beautiful pictures for extra support and interest. Extra puzzle questions at the end of each book further help with comprehension. This Read it yourself version of The Emperor's New Clothes is a level 1 title and so is suitable for children who are beginning to learn to read. The story is told simply, using short sentences and a small number of frequently repeated words.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9781409307105
Collection 5-8 reading
Date de parution 04/04/2013
Format 21.00 cm x 21.10 cm x 1.00 cm
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31000 Toulouse
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