King of fighters xii official strategy guide, the

A New King of Fighters Tournament Has Begun! Will You Be Ready? Crushing Combinations! Overwhelm opposing players with links, chains, Critical Counters, and juggles that combo into the most deadly attacks for every character. Advanced Tactics and Techniques! Keep your opponents guessing by learning how to put hops, jumps, Emergency Evasion, Fallbreakers, and Deadlocks into your gameplan. Character Specific Strategies Discover the strength, weakness, and playstyle of every character in the game to maximize your fightingpotential. Platform: PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 Genre: Fighting
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9780744011142
Collection Non none
Date de parution 04/04/2013
Format 27.40 cm x 21.60 cm x 7.40 cm
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