Jessica lange : derive

Lange jessica
Award-winning actress' third powerHouse title, a collection of street photography made during the pandemic in New York City - French for drift. The title is taken from Guy Debord's Theory of the Dérive (1956): In a dérive (unplanned journey) one drops all their usual motives for movement and action and let themselves be drawn by the attractions--usually urban and the encounters they find there. Acclaimed actor and photographer Jessica Lange embraced the onslaught of the pandemic and the initial lockdown in New York City in a remarkably intimate and engaging way: having been tempted to read French philosopher Guy Debord's landmark text, Theory of the Dérive, (drift), she set out any given day with no destination, no purpose in mind, and observed and engaged in (photographed) what prompted her. The results of these excursions and purposeful, intellectual drifting are gathered in her third powerHouse Books volume, Dérive, at once her most audacious and most ambitious photography project to date: gloriously empty streets, mysteriously bustling with compositional energy
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9781648230226
Éditeur NC
Date de parution 01/09/2023
Format 27.90 cm x 27.90 cm x 7.90 cm
Nombre de pages 104
Où nous trouver ?
16, rue de Metz
31000 Toulouse
Horaires d'ouverture

Lundi au Samedi : 10h à 19h

Fermé le Dimanche

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05 62 84 34 10

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