Hunter barnes : a world away

Barnes, hunter
Scenes from the Sri Lankan civil war: the documentary photographer's long-buried archive published for the first time.Texas-based photographer Hunter Barnes' (born 1977) black-and-white portraits of cultures and communities often ignored by the mainstream are renowned for their stark beauty. In 2006, Barnes travelled to Sri Lanka, intending to document the devastating aftermath of the 2004 tsunami. Instead, he arrived amid rapidly increasing tensions in the civil war and a breakdown of the ceasefire established four years previously. It has taken Barnes more than 15 years to process the experience: what I lived and felt has been buried far in my mind, he writes, sealed shut in a box of film and a journal I am just now able to read. Spending his time in the Eastern Province, Barnes documented the impact of the resurgence of the war on the Tamil people. These portraits are accompanied by his handwritten diary entries from the time.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9781909526877
Éditeur NC
Date de parution 04/10/2022
Format 29.00 cm x 24.50 cm x 9.00 cm
Nombre de pages 96
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16, rue de Metz
31000 Toulouse
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