Fire of tamil, tamizhkanal

Bharati, shuddhananda
ForewordLet Tamil rule sweeter, reign over the worldThe Tamil drumming music raised above the skyTamilnadu becomes the motherland of all the worldTamil is the mother tongue of the world ... roared Kaviyogi Shuddhananda Bharati. And today, Fire of Tamil rises up again to inspire the Tamilians.Many songs appearing in Fire of Tamil were published before the independence of India. In the fifties Fire of Tamil came out again with many more poems in a revised version and developed Tamil. Again, in 1978 it took a new look as 'New Tamilnadu' and today comes out to shine as Fire of Tamil at the hands of Tamilians. Let us listen what Kaviyogi had to say about Fire of Tamil.'Tamil is an ancient language of India - Tamilians are the world's most ancient people - Tamilnadu had flourished even before Lemurian continent's period. Tamilnadu should be in the forefront of the world, in all sectors, such as Art, Education, Industry, Trade, Religion and Yoga. It has the capacity. We have to put in effort - we have resources, we have to put in our efforts. In what condition is Tamilnadu in the world today, which was once famous for six thousand years? What fame, what kind of activities? How good was it? If we search it, we will find the Tamil spirit brimming. I wish that spirit to become the fire of energy, to be converted into action, and to this cause I wrote these songs. Let Fire of Tamil create a spirit of Tamil in every Tamil heart!'Let us keep the lines of Shuddhananda Bharati in mind and work towards it, 'Awake, arise, work, rise up, Prosper in this world ye Tamilians!'Let joy engulf! Long live all!Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9782940393718
Éditeur ASSA
Collection Collection assa
Date de parution 11/05/2015
Format 21.00 cm x 14.80 cm x 1.00 cm
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