Exploring the world of king arthur

Snyder, christopher
A richly ilustrated and informative survey exploring the world of Arthur and the impact of the Arthurian legends on history and the arts Contents include - The historical background of Arthur's Britain, including the contributions of the Celts and the Romans - The important archaeological discoveries at Glastonbury, Tintagel, Cadbury, Wroxeter and Hadrian's Wall - The culture of Arthur's Britons and their battle for supremacy against the Picts, the Scots and the Saxons - The chronicles and legends of the Britons, from the writings of St Patrick to the prophecies of Merlin - The myth of Arthur and his knights, the romance of Tristan and Isolde, and the quest for the Holy Grail - from medieval ballads to modern music and movies - Numerous special features, from Merlin, Stonehenge and Parzifal to Arthur's Grave and the Lady of Shalott - Modern Arthuriana in its myriad forms, from fantasy novels to Internet sites and computer games - Aet#8200 - timeline chronicling Arthur in history and literature, and a gazetteer of Arthurian sites - Aet#8200 - full reference section, including a directory of modern Arthurian organizations, and a guide to further reading
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EAN 9780500289044
Collection Chronicles
Date de parution 07/02/2011
Nombre de pages 192

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