Death by bikini

Gerber, linda
A fun, sexy, murder-mysteryromance for all teen sleuths! Aphra Behn Connolly has the type of life most teenage girls envy. She lives on a remote tropical island and spends most of her time eavesdropping on the rich and famous. The problem is that her family?s resort allows few opportunities for her to make friends?much less to meet cute boys. So when a smoldering Seth Mulo arrives with his parents, she?s immediately drawn to him. Sure, he?s a little bit guarded, and sure his parents are rather cold, and okay he won?t say a word about his past, but their chemistry is undeniable. Then a famous rock star?s girlfriend turns up dead on the beach?strangled by her own bikini top?and alarm bells sound. Is it too great a coincidence that Seth?s family turned up just one day before a murder? As the plot thickens, Aphra finds that danger lurks behind even the most unexpected of faces. . . .
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9780142411179
Collection Pf teenage fic.
Date de parution 04/04/2013
Format 17.90 cm x 11.20 cm x 7.90 cm
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16, rue de Metz
31000 Toulouse
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Lundi au Samedi : 10h à 19h

Fermé le Dimanche

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