• Causes and consequences of school dropout - Ntibaziyaremye Israel - UNIV EUROPEENNE

Causes and consequences of school dropout

Ntibaziyaremye israel
This study investigated the determinant causes and factors of drop-out in primary schools in Rwimbogo sector, Rwanda. The main objectives of this study are to identify the causes of the drop-out and the consequences faced in families and in a wider society. The study involved the following primary schools finding in Rwimbogo sector: E.P NTENYI, E.P RUGANDA, E.P Ste BAKITA MUSUMBA, G.S MUHEHWE and G.S St Esprit MUSHAKA. These schools have two groups: Primary and Secondary Upper and Lower levels. The study used questionnaire, interview, observations and documentations to collect the required data whithin a sample of 30 students, 5 teachers, 5 head teachers, 10 parents' representatives and 20 parents.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9786138408826
Date de parution 01/10/2018
Nombre de pages 52
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